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The Bugtracker

The Bugtracker


Welcome to the Community Upgrade Project Phabricator instance. This website is our main project managment and development tool.

As guest you may inspect reported tickets and tasks and see what we are up to. Registred users can post new tickets. You will find all tickets in the Maniphest Application

Here are some rules for posting tickets:

Only post obvious bugs you can clearly reproduce. Add screenshots, videos or error messages to your report. Use the bugtrackers search function to see if your problem was already reported. Most of the bugs are known an already fixed (but not released). Please make sure, you have installed CUP correctly and your download is okay. Most error messages like "CUP Worlds requieres CAMisc" or "No entry bin/config/cup_blahblub" can be resolved by redownloading the packages. We don't accept feature requests. If you want to have something YOU made added to CUP, you may open a ticket for it.

We will close all tickets that violates these rules!

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